We work with different communities to create positive changes in people’s lives, by tackling the root of the poverty and developing sustainable avenues these communities are empowered to thrive independently. The issues we work on include: Kids Go worm free, Immunisation Free Zone, Yummy Mummy group, Water 4 All, A Girl One Pad, Youth wise community Outreach & homeless outreach program, Seminars &Workshops, 3H’s Eating Healthy program and Peer Circle program.

In Africa, Children contract worms by walking barefoot, drinking unclean water. The issue of poor sanitation and hygiene coupled with very little or no access to clean drinking water makes these children highly susceptible. The effect of these worm infestations, significantly lower cognitive skills, stunts growth making immune system weak.
Our Kids Go Worm Free campaign has made its platform in Liberia, Nigeria, Gabon and Ghana.
According to WHO, in 2017 there was high death toll of children under the age of 15 and figures of infant mortality rate continues to rise. In the sub-Saharan African region, children , infants continues to be at high risk and are more than 15 times likely not to survive to celebrate their 5th birthday. We believe that together with your support and donation, we can tackle and close these immunisation gaps that exist within different struggling communities.

By supporting communities’ access clean water within their environment without traveling miles away to fetch water. We are able to prevent communities from cholera and other water borne diseases and create sustainable, clean, safe water system accessible within the communities; which is in form of borne hole driven by pump, tapping into the underground water storage or a tank clean for human consumption. With the support of donors we have been able to provide clean water in Western part of Africa. We will continue to make sure communities have continuous access to much safer and cleaner water.
A Girl child in the Africa region has always been stigmatized and characterized as second class citizen. We at Fitzdan UK are working relentlessly to facilitate and educate a girl child to have a platform that supports them in a holistic way. In the process boosting their confidence; thus educating them about the importance of sex education and good hygiene. A girl, one pad has supported young girls in embracing and educating the importance of their hygiene and with your support we will continue to support these young girls free sanitary pads in there different educational institution.

Youth Wise programme, seminars and workshop.
Our YWP has been ranked as one of the best platform in supporting youths in exploring their creative minds, through arts and craft, tie & dye, dance club, benefits and accommodation support. However, since the recent shortage of funds, many charities like ours are struggling to sustain most of these youth centres. We believe that our generation needs these youth clubs to support and educate and engage there mind sets positively. With your continuous support we will continue to support youths within our communities.